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Does the input voltage make any difference with WS-12-250-DC

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 1:10 pm
by joshaven
Is there any advantage to powering the the WS-12-250-DC with 12V, 24V or 48V? This question is not regarding power loss in either the power cable or the ethernet cable. I am specifically interested in things like the switch running hotter, lasting longer or having power limitations when stepping the power up more.


Re: Does the input voltage make any difference with WS-12-25

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 1:22 pm
by sirhc
It is better to hook switch to 24V or higher for many reasons.

1) More efficient
2) Less heat
3) Ability to discharge batteries lower in an emergency
4) The SMART DC switch do not have full watts capacity below I think 10V or 11V, think about it, it is harder to upconvert 9V to 50V so you use more AMPS, generate more heat, and you are less efficient.

Use chargers that charge batteries independently so you can hook 12V batteries in series to get 24V, 36V, or 48V rather than hook multiple batteries in parallel.

Re: Does the input voltage make any difference with WS-12-25

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 1:25 pm
by Julian
power supply efficiency is best when powered with 24Vin. slightly lower at 48Vin, and trends downward at 12.

As far as running hotter, lasting longer, the switch may run slightly warmer at 12v or 24v since switching losses are higher at a lower Vin, but you shouldn't experience any difference longevity wise.

From a nuts and bolts perspective.