IntL-Daniel wrote:from the log of WS-10-250-AC just after the upgrade and reboot:
Jan 1 01:00:56 dropbear[1706]: Failed listening on '22': Error listening: Address already in use
Jan 1 01:00:56 dropbear[1706]: Early exit: No listening ports available.
Jan 1 01:00:56 dropbear[1713]: Running in background
Could you please provide the MAC address so I can check records. I am not sure why people are always concerned with providing the MAC as it is not a security hole except within the same subnet because you can not address a device on the hardware layer (MAC) from outside the routed subnet only from within the subnet on same flat network segment.
The WS-10-250-AC was EOL and last manufactured in October of 2017, First Manufactured in October 2015.
The WS-10-250-AC spans 3 board Revs - D, E, F
This is important as a Board Rev only increases because something changed in hardware, sometimes it is innocuous sometimes not.
Also it is important to tell what firmware version you are upgrading from.
We went ahead and tested the WS-10-250-AC Rev D,E,F since we did not know what yours was.
We obviously updated from whatever firmware version was on the units again that info was not provided.
Results of our tests showed that v1.5.11 worked on all 3 board revisions (D,E,F) and we did not see your error.
The error message being reported is dropbear which is the service for SSH and Telenet, the 22 is the port it is attempting to listen on.
Since you can only get the boot log/scroll from the console I assume your serial port is working just fine. Question is why is dropbear complaining that port 22 is already in use?
"My" theory since I have not yet talked to one of the programmers.
Depending on how OLD your firmware was there were security issues in OLD firmware pertaining to dropbear that were patched in previous releases which could allow a hacker to upload malware/viruses to your flash which you could clear with a power on factory default and I think it would also clear with a normal software default and I assume a firmware upgrade would also clear this but not sure. Again I want to stress this is "My" theory and I am not the programmers so I could be completely wrong on this. I have put in a request for the programmers to give me their theory as to why and will pass this on to you when I hear back from them.
However I want to reiterate that we have tested WS-10-250-AC Rev D,E,F and did not see this error, and all board functions worked properly on all three board Revs.