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Cable clearance

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 11:57 pm
by sirhc
Everyone knows our last batch of cable the manufacturer dicked me and gave me the BAD jacket like UBNT had once.

That cable is still here.

It is very good cable with excellent electrical characteristics and performance but is NOT suitable for outdoor applications, jacket fails.

But if you run cable in a warehouse or in conduits it is perfect and at a giveaway price for $25.00 per 1000' spool as you cannot buy unshielded indoor junk CAT5E cable for less than $50.00.

If we can't sell it soon, say in the next 4-6 weeks, I am going to scrap for copper which is running at $3.39 lb.

Which means there is at LEAST 20 lbs. if not 25 lbs. of copper per box so I can get $67.80 per box from a scrapper but I hate to waste good cable (for indoor use) and save some people money.