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A vs B versions

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 9:00 am
by ryanm
So, what's the difference in the A and B version switches? From the chart it seems like it's related to the TIA568 standards... but if the cables are wired straight through with either standard... what does it matter? (asks someone who's been doing 568B cabling for 17 years now ... ouch!)


Re: A vs B versions

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 10:12 am
by sirhc
ryanm wrote:So, what's the difference in the A and B version switches? From the chart it seems like it's related to the TIA568 standards... but if the cables are wired straight through with either standard... what does it matter? (asks someone who's been doing 568B cabling for 17 years now ... ouch!)

Hi Ryan,

If you read the Spec Sheet PDF there is a chart in there.
chart.png (25.53 KiB) Viewed 6753 times

THe difference between A an B models are how many ports handle 48VH pins 1-8 for air fibers and 48V standard using pins 4,5,7,8

WS-24-400A can run 4 airFIBER units on ports 1-4 with 48V on pins 1-8
WS-24-400B can only run 2 airFIBER units on ports 1-2 with 48V on pins 1-8
**** also the WS-24-400A has 4 shared SFP ports with ports 21-24, this is shared which means either use the copper port or the SFP port not both at same time.

WS-24-400A can run 48V on pins 4,5,7,8 on ports 1-24
WS-24-400B can run 48V on pins 4,5,7,8 on ports 1-12

Think of it as stuffing options on the PCB, less parts get put on thus the price drops.


Re: A vs B versions

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 12:11 pm
by ryanm
Ah, excellent, thanks. I was just not seeing the connection. :headb: