I have been experimenting with interfacing to it with Putty/SSH over the internet - and got it working suprisingly easily.
Except I can't change the restart voltage (aka Power/Power Up in the GUI) of a port.
The following is a mildly edited version of the SSH dialog:
login as: admin
admin@111.222.333.4444's password:
BusyBox v1.19.4 (2017-03-07 13:42:37 EST) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
Netonix Switch# config
Netonix Switch(config)# interface port 4
Netonix Switch(port 4)# power ?
restart_voltage When the input voltage is above this value the port will be turned back on
shutdown_voltage If the input voltage falls below this value the port will be turned off
Netonix Switch(port 4)# power restart_voltage 12
% This can only be set on DC models
Netonix Switch(port 4)# exit
Netonix Switch(config)# exit
% Applying configuration...
Press ENTER to confirm configuration change. If you do not hit enter within 60 seconds the switch will revert to the previous configuration.
Netonix Switch#
I'm guessing the message "% This can only be set on DC models" has something to do with it - but the WS-8-150-DC is DC!
Any help appreciated - I have a use for this capability if I can get it to work.