jpaine619 wrote:sirhc wrote:More than 16 characters, really?
Well, mathematically 16 bits of random text is roughly equal to an 80-bit encryption key. I.e if you want to crack a 128 bit cipher, you don't attack the cipher itself if the password is less than about 24 characters..(assuming all ASCII without mixed case or special characters).
Seriously though, you should support passwords of at least 24 characters (128 bits). Some people are serious about security. Why deploy a 128 bit WPA2 cipher if your password for it is gonna be less than 128 bits (effective)? That's like putting a shitty lock on a strong chain..
Well this is where the Access Control List comes in as to whom can even attempt to login/hack the switch.
Now they would have to crack a device that is within the list and spring board off it into the switch.....who did you piss off?