Just upgraded my test WS-8-150-AC from 1.5.24 to 1.5.25 simply & successfully.
I can confirm the following items are working better:- SMTP test when FromAddress empty now works - 1.5.25
- PingWatchdog alert GPS corruption fixed - 1.5.25
- Traceroute resolve ips checkbox fixed - 1.5.25
I also haven't noticed any erroneous alerts about the switch rebooting so it looks like the following is also good:
- false alert about the switch rebooting has been fixed - 1.5.25
But I still can't get non-watchdog email alerts to work. As with the last couple versions the switch no longer seems to send Link Change alerts anymore. (I'm not sure exactly when it stopped working since I didn't catch it right away and haven't reloaded all the recent firmware releases to figure out which broke it, but I suspect it was around the time of major code rewrite in 1.5.17)
As I reported in 1.5.24, the switch is definitely recognizing a Link Change event took place as it's recorded in the log, but it simply doesn't try to send an email. (Nothing in the log about trying to send an email and one never shows up.)
Additionally in this version I decided to try and test the "Fans" alert and that one seemingly isn't working either. I'll admit I'm not 100% sure how the "Fans" alert is triggered, but "for science" I tried to test it by simply sticking something in the fan while it was spinning to bring it to a full stop. On the Status page the "Fan 1 Speed" changed to "ERR" but 30 seconds later it still hadn't tried to send an email...
The fact that I can't get either the "Link Change" or "Fans" alerts to work makes me suspect all 5 of the non watchdog email alerts are broken...
I do use the Link Change alerts and hope that can be fixed sooner rather than later and ironically, after using Netonix switches for over 5 years with no fan issues, in the last 6 months I've had fans die in 2 different switches and it was really nice to get an email alert about it...